5 Ways people are eating unhealthy:KPOP Edition

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Food: Eat or Not to Eat?

We all know that food is the very necessity for adequate living. We become very destabilized, and especially for our KPOP guru's, you know our biases won't give us what we want if they're starving. 


There's how even the KPOP idols eat to stay fit and healthy. Like it or not, there's a BMI designed for everyone and we gotta keep fit to stay lit!

Here are 5 ways we eat, that could prove unhealthy to us:

1.             Too Much Sugar: I know, I know, we've all heard this once or twice or even our entire lives, but the truth is that it can't be over emphasized! Sugar is the painful harm that we just can't avoid. And it gets worse with each passing generation. Sugar does have a lot of sucrose (well, duh!), and these complex sugars take quite the time to break down in our system if we don't shake it off. Beware of Suga..... except for BTS  (kudos A.R.M.Y!!).

2.             Skipping Breakfast:  I can understand that the nature of our work and everything doesn't permit time to even touch a slice of bread or bacon, but breakfast is actually more important than lunch and dinner combined. Not all of us understand how important it is to eat well in the morning. What we eat in the morning impacts how the rest of the day will go. The food helps in regulating the glucose levels in our body. Did you know that your brain will function poorly or not function at all without 25 grams of glucose in the blood stream? So my chingus, breakfast a day, will keep the poor brain at bay..... (or away, what ever rocks your boat).

3.            Don’t get into a diet: I know, you're probably like,'what?' Hear me out. Any form of diet takes away all your hard work of building it. You can slow down your metabolism when you deprive yourself of certain adequate minerals to keep up with that bias body. Additionally, studies show that crash diets don’t work in the long run. The person almost always relapses after three to five years more so when the diet involves skipping a meal. The reason? Our brain makes more poor food choices after being hungry for a longer period. Trust me, you want to keep off that protein shake, if you're skipping out most of the 'protein'.

 4.           Junk Food:  I'm sure you've heard this already, so there's no need talking a lot on this.  The continual intake of food with high fat and high sugar contents can change how your body breaks down food. Eventually, it won’t be able to tell that you are already full. if you’re into “crispy” food such as potato chips and French fries, try to replace them with healthier alternatives like oatmeal cookies or cucumber slices, and even though it's not as tasty, you'll be glad you did!

 5.          Drinking water: Drinking water, especially before eating, is highly advisable if you want to at least be as attractive as your biases. Food scientists document that drinking water before eating help to subside the initial congestion that may/may-not have built up in your system. It also helps to balance the food intake as you ingest the in-coming food. 

So there you have it. Some of these things are probably part of your daily routine already, and this might be another of those things you'll ignore.... but the very fact that you're reading this means that you actually want to know :P. So just try. Putting even a little effort will go a long way. Even I am guilty of this, and from my findings, I feel it's worth sharing. Let's join the fight in eating healthy.

Kudos People!