What's this site all about??

00:54 Unknown 0 Comments


K-Reloaded was simply inspired by the wonderful passion and love for KPOP Music! You'll be seeing a lot of posts regarding KPOP and a few other related things involving Korean Culture, just to add that 'extra' touch for the 'Seoul' if you know what i mean *wink wink*.

You'll be seeing a daily K-Worthy Mention. Like an 'Idol of the Week' kind of thing. An idol that represents the key word for the week, along with a motivational speech, to keep you crappers alive and hopeful about life. It'll just be a small side note to tag along the normal info and news you'll be seeing.
Hopefully, I'll write well enough to start writing on Asian Junkie, and if possible, I'll just link it to this site for your viewing pleasure of course. This is simply to soothe your eyes and give you something to relax with, and also to give me an outlet to let off steam from work.
So basically, enjoy yourself and if you have any new things you'd like to see, feel free to comment. Would love to hear from you. So look around and Konnect to the beauty that is KPOP.

Warning: certain posts might occasionally be considered fap-worthy or really eye-catchy, so if you’re an easily triggered individual, i suggest you take caution whilst viewing such entertaining content!

                                                                Don't forget to like and follow this site on Twitter!
If you have any questions at all: kreloadz@yahoo.com