18:45 Unknown 0 Comments

Alright Chingus, It's time for some Honorable mentions.
First off, Who is a Nugu?
Simple. Listen up little fruit-cakes. A nugu is simply the urban term used to describe a KPOP star that is not really someone in the music industry (talk about a waste of space). They are just famous, but for nothing really. Kinda like those people you see around with the cool kids. Not known for anything, but just known.
Increased rivalry inside the k-pop circle implies many organizations are all making progress toward a similar little cut of the popular music ice-cream sundae. In such a profoundly aggressive industry, supply of work no matter how you look at it far surpasses request, compelling down wages and prompting a situation that unavoidably breeds beguiling practices and deceitful conduct.
New learning of this data actually leads numerous k-pop fans to scrutinize their own particular moral guidelines. Some may ask whether it is correct or wrong to bolster nugu gatherings, or in actuality any Korean icon bunches whatsoever, given the practically ensured disagreeableness of numerous parts of the Korean symbol framework. My response to this is if these gatherings are not highlighted, just a single thing is sure – their levels of reputation won't change and any troubles that they experience will without a doubt proceed. However making everything fair by k-pop media and fans concentrating on lesser-known k-pop gatherings may conceivably have more constructive outcomes. Perhaps all that supporting nugu bunches implies is that a couple of more snaps go toward an organization and they eat up a couple of additional pennies and nothing changes. Or, on the other hand perhaps it begins a discourse about a specific gathering, empowering them to discover more fans and turn out to be more fruitful. Possibly the positive criticism channels back to the gathering individuals which makes it somewhat simpler for them to seek after their fantasies. Perhaps the insignificant affirmation that to a few people nugus matter will give more youngsters consumed by k-pop's frequently faulty business hones the valor to stand up about the internal maneuvers of the Korean icon framework. Who can truly say without a doubt, aside from the general population straightforwardly included in the creation and appropriation of the gatherings themselves. In any case one thing I do know without a doubt as somebody who works with western "nugus" every now and again, is that they certainly welcome the introduction and acknowledgment that being highlighted in another nation gives, even paying little heed to whether that presentation is sure or negative. 

This scene of Kpopalypse Nugu Alert is concentrating on fresh out of the box new k-pop young lady gatherings, who have quite recently appeared over the most recent couple of weeks. The prospects for these gatherings, concerning anyone entering the universe of k-fly without the benefit of an expansive name backing them, are without a doubt troubling. However maybe being highlighted here will prompt some constructive results down the track for the general population included. We should wish them fortunes on their k-pop voyage! 

We have :


A seed used to be a dance group that was less about the techni-color surrounding, and more about the dance-moves and lyrics. This didn't change the fact that they were 'nugu'ed'. They fall into this category probably because of their inconsistency in being original. They just reproduce the same sex-inspired agenda that others portray, with just different clothing styles, which you've probably seen before, you wanker!

A- seed were signed under Luminant Entertainment, and as such, they just happened to start off wonderfully. Then, they got into the nugu zone (They've probably always been there but, you know...... ).
This scene of Kpopalypse Nugu Alert is concentrating on fresh out of the box new k-pop young lady gatherings, who have quite recently appeared over the most recent couple of weeks. The prospects for these gatherings, concerning anyone entering the universe of k-fly without the benefit of an expansive name backing them, are without a doubt troubling.  This scene of Kpopalypse Nugu Alert is concentrating on fresh out of the box new k-pop young lady gatherings, who have quite recently appeared over the most recent couple of weeks. The prospects for these gatherings, concerning anyone entering the universe of k-fly without the benefit of an expansive name backing them, are without a doubt troubling. I still feel though that A-Seed is still worth remembering, because of the drive that kept it together. Kudos to them, and i hope they're at least surviving where they are now.